Tutin Editing

My aim as an author has always been ensuring my stories are the best they can be. Whether that involves fleshing out the narrative or filling plot holes, tightening sentences or finding the right word to encapsulate the mood. All so that the reader might envision the scene, feel the emotion, and remember and share what they have read.As an editor, you can expect me to strive for the same with your stories. New or established, we artists could use that little extra help with feedback that identifies issues and suggests improvements or solutions, done so with an encouragement and understanding of the work and its author. And you can trust you will receive this from me.


My experience spans fifteen years consisting of an undergraduate BA (Hons) degree in Creative Writing from The Open College of the Arts and over a dozen publications from various magazines and anthologies, among several other credentials.This includes the completion of two developmental editing courses (Fiction Theory and In Practice) from Sophie Playle at Liminal Pages.I have also reviewed numerous works for members of the communities Codex Writer's Group, as well as Online Writing Workshop.You can see my own works in the likes of Creepy Podcast, Kaleidotrope, and Lamplight. Visit my portfolio for the full bibliography.


"K.A. Tutin was an asset when it came to beta reading and editing through my stories. Her concise and thoughtful feedback and edits helped me see the places where my story was lacking, and made the narrative of my story stronger as a whole. Not only do I recommend her work, but I plan to use her services again in the future as well."

— C. E. Clayton, Resistor


DEVELOPMENTAL EDITINGA detailed analysis of the manuscript content, including but not limited to:∙ Worldbuilding: history and/or backstory, setting
∙ Pacing
∙ Dialogue
∙ Theme(s)
∙ Point-of-view inconsistencies
∙ Characters
∙ Voice, style, tone, and mood
∙ Plot and sub-plots
∙ Sensitivity issues concerning queerness and mental health
This service can be purchased as an editorial report and copy of your manuscript marked with comments, or the editorial report only.For an editorial report and comments: £0.01/word.For an editorial report only: £0.008/word.

LINE EDITINGStylistic editing deals with readability at a scene, paragraph and sentence level, including but not limited to:∙ Structure (of scenes, paragraphs, and sentences)
∙ Pacing
∙ Clarity
∙ Flow
∙ Rhythm
∙ Consistency and/or continuity
∙ Voice, style, tone, and mood
∙ Language: word choice, showing vs telling, repetition, redundancies, and ambiguities
∙ Point-of-view, such as head-hopping
This service includes a copy of your manuscript marked with comments and tracked changes.A free sample edit (1,000 words) can be arranged, which would then be deducted from the total price.Punctuation, grammar, spelling, and other technical issues fall under copy-editing and are not included in this service.Line editing costs £0.0065/word.

SENSITIVITY READINGSensitivity reading focuses on particular identities and topics, recognising stereotypes and misrepresentation, which, in my case, involves:∙ Queerness, including sexuality and gender fluidity
∙ Mental health, specifically anxiety
∙ PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome)
While this service can be purchased separately, it is also included in the developmental editing.This service can be purchased as an editorial report and copy of your manuscript marked with comments, or the editorial report only.For an editorial report and comments: £0.002/word.For an editorial report only: £0.001/word.

BETA READINGThis service reviews the manuscript content.This is not the same as developmental editing.Developmental editing identifies what does or does not work, and also explains why, highlighting specific examples and offering
Beta reading focuses only on what does or does not work, and with more generalised and concise feedback.This service can be purchased as an editorial report and copy of your manuscript marked with comments, or the editorial report only.For an editorial report and comments: £0.0045/word.For an editorial report only: £0.0025/word.

New clients will receive a 10% discount for their first projects.


My preferred genres are fantasy, science fiction, horror, but I will consider others.I do not accept poetry, screenplays, non-fiction.I do not accept fiction that has been AI-generated and/or assisted in any way.Documents must be created with Word (doc/docx) and preferably formatted in Shunn modern standard manuscript. You do not need to include your phone number, but a mailing address would be required for the invoices.Scheduling would depend on service, project queue, and possible deadlines. Project price would be recorded as two invoices and transferred via PayPal. This includes a non-refundable 50% deposit, and the final payment prior to the return of completed work.Our initial conversations would involve discussing the details of your manuscript to ensure we are a compatible enough match to proceed. Upon agreement, the terms (detailing cost, schedule, and cancellation fees, etc) would be outlined in a contract, which we both must sign, and thereafter the deposit received, before work commences. We would continue correspondence after project completion should you have any questions regarding my feedback.


Contact me if you wish to proceed. If possible, include the following information:∙ Which service you require
∙ Manuscript title
∙ Word count
∙ Brief summary, including genres and/or sub-genres
∙ If you have a deadline or budget
∙ If you have any specific concerns or enquiries regarding your manuscript or my services
You can expect a reply within 48 hours.